The last big gathering for 2022 at the Conroe Yacht Club will be on December 10th. On that day, the annual TOYS-FOR-TOTS REGATTA (TOT) will be held. This pursuit start race/cruise will include the special SINGLE-HANDED TROPHY division for those sailors who may want to go it alone. Last year, David Hopkins and crew won the TOT and Anne Carter won the Single-Hand trophy. This is an open event for all cruising boat sailors from all over the lake and beyond. Your Cruise Directors will be Tom and Teresa Schroder who promise to have the details of the course and starting times available to you before next week. Admission to this event is an un-wrapped toy or toys to add to the TOT boxes provided by the US Marine Corps.The collection boxes will appear soon at the clubhouse and our generous members and guests have donated hundreds of toys in the past for this worthy event.
The race/cruise will end promptly at 3pm so that anyone (bird and butterfly watchers) left on the course will be finished in place and can start their motors and head back to the club. This allows everyone to be back in time for the adjustment hour and trophy presentation.
Proving again that we can party and celebrate as well as we sail (sometimes better), the annual CYC Christmas Party will cap off the day. Our benevolent and experienced club owners will start the festivities at 4:30pm. Details, and there are many, for the Christmas Party will be announced soon. So, watch this space and the bulletin board at the clubhouse for more information!
~Tom Schroder
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